Article 1365 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that under an agreement on the alienation of an exclusive right to an invention, utility model or industrial design (agreement on alienation of a patent), one party (patent owner) transfers or undertakes to transfer the exclusive right belonging to it to the corresponding intellectual property result the other party - the acquirer of the exclusive right (the acquirer of the patent).
The agreement on the alienation of a patent for an invention, utility model or industrial design is in writing and is subject to state registration with the federal executive body on intellectual property (FIPS, Rospatent). When alienating the exclusive right to an invention, utility model or industrial design, you get a profit. Our company provides legal assistance in the preparation of the necessary set of documents for the conclusion and state registration of the contract of alienation of the exclusive right to a patent.
The term of preparation of the required set of documents: 3 working days.
The term of consideration by the authorized state body of the set of documents: 2 months.
The cost of our services: 10 000 rubles.
The state fee in the amount of 3300 rubles is paid separately. + 1700 p. for each patent over one. + 2000 for the issuance of one patent on paper at the request of the copyright holder