Trademark is a designation used to individualize goods, work performed or services rendered by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. Verbal, pictorial, volumetric and other designations or their combinations in any color or color combination can be registered as a trademark.
An invention is a solution of a technical problem, related to a material object — a product, or a process of performing actions on a material object with the help of material means — a method.
The utility model is similar to the invention of an intangible intellectual property object (technical solution) related to the device.
An industrial design is an object of intellectual rights relating to the appearance, design and ergonomic properties of a product of industrial or handicraft production.
Trade secret
Commercial secret - protected by an organization or an individual entrepreneur through the introduction of a commercial secret regime confidential information that has potential or actual commercial value related to business activities, the disclosure of which to third parties may cause material damage.
The absence of a trade secret regime in an organization or an individual entrepreneur means the absence of a trade secret as such.

Computer programs
According to Article 1261 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a computer program is an objectively presented set of data and commands intended for the operation of a computer and other computer devices in order to obtain a certain result, including preparatory materials obtained during the development of a computer program and the audiovisual displays generated by it .
According to Art. 1516 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the appellation of origin of goods to which legal protection is granted is a designation representing either containing a modern or historical, official or unofficial, full or abbreviated name of a country, urban or rural settlement, locality or other geographical object , as well as a designation derived from such a name and which became known as a result of its use in relation to a product, the special properties of which are excluded exclusively or mainly determined by the characteristic of the geographical natural conditions and (or) human factors.
Intellectual property valuation
Assessment of intellectual property is the process of determining the usefulness of an object of intellectual property in monetary terms.
Why do I need to assess the objects of intellectual property?
In assessing, you can find out the real market value of your intellectual property object (s). For example, if you decide to sell your trademark or patent, then, knowing their market value, you will definitely not remain in the red.
Also, the assessment of intellectual property is needed in cases where the copyright holder (if it is a trademark) or the patent owner (if it is a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design), the rights to these intellectual property objects are violated. When applying to the court to recover money from the violator (defendant), the claimant (the person whose rights are violated) must first assess the value of the intellectual property.
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